Friday, October 28, 2016

MH47 & MH48 planned - new web site

I'm in the process of getting MH47 and MH48 up and running. At the same time, Curt Lindmark is helping me with creating a new website. The intention is to move these games there.

There's nothing there yet - but here's a link to the site -

Here's what I've come up with...

As of right now, there are 10 Patreon (or other) supporters. I'm going to randomly split these into two six man events, filling out that last slot with the next two people on the waiting list. That's not a lot of 'free' players, but if I can get a few more supporters I will start MH49 as well.

They will be the same division and ground rules and even use the same arena. The only thing I know so far is they will NOT be a small arena again - they won't be 'giant' but will be a good enough size to allow for some long range planning.

I'm also planning to have them be 'off road' - to hopefully have more loss of control, but more skids and fishtails and less spinouts and rolls.

I'm also going to use "classic" rules and ban ramplates again - encouraging more 'traditional' forms of combat. I'm also going to allow extra skill points! Everyone will have base driver & base gunner (10 points in each skill) but instead of being allowed 10 points to add on it will be 30 points to add on! If you want to give your driver a +3 to hit, that's fine, but you'll suffer in the handling department. :-)

Also - driver only - no gunner.

Since I'm sending this to EVERYONE on the list, here's the links to Patreon, PayPal as well as the link to use to purchase from Amazon -

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