Monday, July 11, 2016

Drivers are announced...

Welcome Autoduellists and Fans!!! Welcome to another installment of the Dyersburg Dash! This week we're brought you by our sponsor Elmer at the HAM SHACK - best place for radios and sandwiches South of the Great Craters!

I'm Telso, your commentator, and I'm joined tonight by Billy Bidcon - welcome Billy!

Great to be here Tel - you know I got my start right here in this very arena back in '32!

I know that Billy - and you've gone on to score double ace in the Memphis Circuit. It's a shame that last battle took your good eye.

It's okay Telso, I may not can aim that well, but I can sure see the new competition - and here they come on the field now...

This is MH46 and is an Amateur Night in the Dyersburg Dash - Tag 'Em Arena. The map is pictured below along with a car to the side to show scale. Yes, it's a small arena, and yes it is used for 'checkpoint' events, but this time it's just a fight to the finish!

You'll notice there are only six gates, but there are eight participants... We will start with 2 in Gate 1, 2 in Gate 2, 2 in the top left gate and 2 in the top right gate. You WILL be able to fire on the person next to you, but remember that the cars only have front weapons. You are welcome to 'turn in' on your neighbor if you want, or you can go for the competition coming in from the opposite way (or even the gate nearest you).

These gates do NOT close - they are basically holes in the walls. If you intentionally drive your car through a gate, you are out of the event. If your car skids or rolls out a gate, you CAN get back into the arena if you do so IMMEDIATELY. The local crowd loves it when people fight to the death, so leaving on purpose will get you boos from the crowd, but rolling your car out the gate and somehow landing on your wheels, then driving back in for more punishment... Well, they love that sort of thing!

Though the winner of this event will be the last person standing, the crowd will boo you if you just hide in a corner while the others fight it out. To that end, you are welcome to employ that strategy, but I will be giving 'flavor' commentary to this one and you WILL be ousted as a coward. :-)

The car everyone will use is the Stinger Option 2 from the Classic Rule Book. As such, you will have some decisions to make...

Stinger – Subcompact, hvy chassis, hvy suspension, small power plant, 4 HD tires, driver, MG front, HR front, Armor: F10, R5, L5, B8, T5, U5 Accel 5, top speed 90, HC 4 - plus 20 points of armor to spread around as you see fit. You can NOT make any armor location LESS than the amounts listed above - you can only ADD to armor locations.

You are allowed a Driver only - with a name, please (if you don't give one I will give one for you - and keep it clean) - 30 skill points to be spread however you like. The local crowd is more enamored with vehicles, and the bosses don't want this event to go too late into the night, so no hand weapons. 

The participants are listed below - you have 48 hours to reply that you are IN this event or I will bump you and invite the next person in the waiting list... That includes Patrons. Yes, you have a reserved spot, but I still need to hear from you...

Billy H
Martin Marquis
Menoth John
Jeff DuBois
John Blaylock
William Tetley
Nicholas Lovell

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

Steve Jackson Games

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