Wednesday, November 2, 2016

games have moved...

The new games are being held at the new website -

If you'd like to contribute -

Thank you! And hope to see you at the new location!

Friday, October 28, 2016

The Arena and Division

Patreon link -

Here's the map we will use. This is from a quick scan of Arenas 2, so the quality is not that great. Does anyone have a higher resolution of this?

The notes from the expansion...

I am adding that sand has been brought in to cover the arena floor, making it effectively offload terrain. You do NOT have to have OR suspension or tires, though, and will get no penalty for not having them. In game terms, this will add +1 to the difficulty of ALL maneuvers and ALL crash table rolls will be at -3.

You'll notice there are openings in the corners and in the center of the north and the south walls. These are the six gates. I will, of course, randomly assign these gates.

The Division will be 25. That is you have $25,000 in which to build your car. Remember - driver only, 30 extra points to distribute as you want. Pedestrians are NOT allowed in this one (yes, they can be fun, but they also can slow things down). We will use CLASSIC rules only - no ramplates allowed. Yes, tire shots ARE allowed.

I will be handing out points for kills. You'll get 1 point for a mobility kill - 1 more point for a full kill (or 1 point for full killing a previously mobility killed vehicle). So each car is worth 2 points.

Any points you have scored will make you worth more. So if you kill a car you'll score 2 points. If someone comes along and kills you they will get FOUR points. If someone kills them they will be worth SIX points.

If you get one point for a mobility kill only and someone kills you they will get 3. If someone kills your mobility only they will get 1.5 points. Etc.

First person to 10 points wins. You start with zero each.


Billy H
John Christensen
Jeff DuBois
Curt Lindmark
Nicholas Lovell


Martin Marquis
John Blaylock
William Tetley
Rich Brassell
Frank Gusset
Leon Adrian

The Split

I have randomly split the players up. If you're interested in HOW I did this, I'll share that at the end.


Billy H
John Christensen
Jeff DuBois
Curt Lindmark
Nicholas Lovell


Martin Marquis
John Blaylock
William Tetley
Rich Brassell
Frank Gusset
Leon Adrian

I took the 10 contributors and rolled 1D6 for each. If it was odd, they would be in MH47 - even MH48. Billy H, John C, Jeff, Gil, Curt & John B all rolled odd - the rest even.

I took all the odds and rolled 1D6 with the high roller to be moved to 'even' status.

John C, John B & Curt all rolled a 4, so I had a roll off just with them - John B "won" that roll. :-)

Nicholas was the 'next in line' and Leon was the 'next in line' after him. They have both been emailed an invitation. If one or both choose not to play or don't reply within 48 hours I'll bump that person and offer to the next in line.

Working on the map decision now... :-)

MH47 & MH48 planned - new web site

I'm in the process of getting MH47 and MH48 up and running. At the same time, Curt Lindmark is helping me with creating a new website. The intention is to move these games there.

There's nothing there yet - but here's a link to the site -

Here's what I've come up with...

As of right now, there are 10 Patreon (or other) supporters. I'm going to randomly split these into two six man events, filling out that last slot with the next two people on the waiting list. That's not a lot of 'free' players, but if I can get a few more supporters I will start MH49 as well.

They will be the same division and ground rules and even use the same arena. The only thing I know so far is they will NOT be a small arena again - they won't be 'giant' but will be a good enough size to allow for some long range planning.

I'm also planning to have them be 'off road' - to hopefully have more loss of control, but more skids and fishtails and less spinouts and rolls.

I'm also going to use "classic" rules and ban ramplates again - encouraging more 'traditional' forms of combat. I'm also going to allow extra skill points! Everyone will have base driver & base gunner (10 points in each skill) but instead of being allowed 10 points to add on it will be 30 points to add on! If you want to give your driver a +3 to hit, that's fine, but you'll suffer in the handling department. :-)

Also - driver only - no gunner.

Since I'm sending this to EVERYONE on the list, here's the links to Patreon, PayPal as well as the link to use to purchase from Amazon -

Thursday, October 27, 2016

T20P4 - Speed

T20P4 - Speed
Jeff accelerates to 35



Turn 20 Phase 5
Thierry stops

Jeff attempts a D6 left - needs a 4 - loses control on a 1 - CT1 - 5 4 +3 diff 0 speed -1 skill = 11, rolling - instead of the D6 left he turns and rolls onto his right side - damage: 2

Thierry fires his MG at Jeff again, this time going for the Back with with the speed mod as he's rolling across his vision. He needs an 8 - miss on a 2 1

Going to call it on this one - Jeff will slow to 15, then in phase 1 will roll onto his top. Phase 3 he will slide 1/2" but not roll onto his side.

Turn 22 Phase 1 he will come to a stop on his roof. Though it's true that technically Thierry could technically get right up on Jeff's weakest side and still roll snake eyes to miss until he's out of ammo, he's the only one still mobile.

Congrats to Thierry!!! Let's see what the color commentators have to say...

Jeff makes another hard turn left.

Oh no Telso! He's kept control so, so many times but...

...but not this time Bidcon! He instead flips the car and rolls onto his side!

Thierry decided to stop and get another stationary shot. He may not be used to shooting at a rolling target though as he misses.

Yeah but he has plenty of time now to react.

Jeff continues to roll as Thierry inches closer. And Jeff stops on his roof!

Thierry pulls right up to his side and pulls the trigger... And...

And the automated systems here have shut his car down! The crowd goes wild as the officials call this one! The visiting Team Thierry has claimed a victory!

We want to thank ALL of the entrants in this event as well as the sponsors! I understand that we have TWO events being planned to take place on this station right after this one!

Telso, it's been fun! This is the first time I've been back behind the microphone in way too long! Thanks for having me!

Current Turn
Jeff(4) - 35 - P1 skid 3/4", 1 point to each tire, slow to 30, straight 1/4", P3 skid 1/4" then straight 3/4", P5 failed control on a D6 left - rolling
Thierry(6) - 5(m) - P1 straight 1/4" then pivot CW on back right corner

Previous Turn
Jeff(4) - 40 - P1 straight, P1 MG misses Thierry, P2 D4 left, P3 straight, P5 D3 drift right - lose control for moderate skid
Thierry(6) - 5 - P1 begin CCW Bootlegger Reverse, P3 complete bootlegger

Reflex Rolls and Walkarounds are below. Everyone knows the layout, just not the armor assignments. The Gates for this event are numbers 1 2     3 4   on top then 5 6     7 8    on the bottom. I'm using "team" names so you don't have to remember what your Driver's name is - you can just reply on YOUR name.

Gate 1 - Billy - Suvius Ven (dead)- Reflex 2 - MG: 16 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F0 R0 L6 B11 (breached) T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 5

Gate 2 - Gil - Alfonse LaRoy - Reflex 4 - MG: 9 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F1 R8 (breached) L7 B12 T4 U0, Tire DP: tire destroyed tire destroyed 1 tire destroyed

Gate 3 - Thierry - Ningenhōdan - Reflex 6 - MG: 8 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F21 R4 L2 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 2

Gate 4 - Menoth - MenothJohn (dead) - Reflex 2 - MG: 20 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F0 R1 L0 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 6 6 6 6

Gate 5 - William - Doobie Cooper - Reflex 4 - MG: 17 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F20 (breached) R0 L0 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 6 6 6 6

Gate 6 - Martin - Cletus Cornhauler - Reflex 3 - MG: 16 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F8 R4 L12 (breached) B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 2 3 5 3

Gate 7 - Jeff - Vance - Reflex 3 - MG: 8 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F15 (breached) R6 L0 B5 T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 5

Gate 8 - John - Axle Blaster (dead) - Reflex 5 - MG: 13 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F21 (breached) R13 (breached) L9 B4 T0 U0, Tire DP: 4 4 4 1

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

Steve Jackson Games

T20P1 - Combat

T20P1 - Combat

Turn 20 Phase 2
Jeff is OOC and maintains 30
Thierry maintains 5



Turn 20 Phase 3
Jeff is OOC and maintains 30
Thierry maintains 5

Jeff skids 1/4" then moves straight 3/4"


Turn 20 Phase 4

Holding for...


Jeff skids some more and is finally back in control.

Does he decide to change speed now Telso?

Current Turn
Jeff(4) - 30(m) - P1 skid 3/4", 1 point to each tire, slow to 30, straight 1/4", P3 skid 1/4" then straight 3/4"
Thierry(6) - 5(m) - P1 straight 1/4" then pivot CW on back right corner

Previous Turn
Jeff(4) - 40 - P1 straight, P1 MG misses Thierry, P2 D4 left, P3 straight, P5 D3 drift right - lose control for moderate skid
Thierry(6) - 5 - P1 begin CCW Bootlegger Reverse, P3 complete bootlegger

Reflex Rolls and Walkarounds are below. Everyone knows the layout, just not the armor assignments. The Gates for this event are numbers 1 2     3 4   on top then 5 6     7 8    on the bottom. I'm using "team" names so you don't have to remember what your Driver's name is - you can just reply on YOUR name.

Gate 1 - Billy - Suvius Ven (dead)- Reflex 2 - MG: 16 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F0 R0 L6 B11 (breached) T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 5

Gate 2 - Gil - Alfonse LaRoy - Reflex 4 - MG: 9 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F1 R8 (breached) L7 B12 T4 U0, Tire DP: tire destroyed tire destroyed 1 tire destroyed

Gate 3 - Thierry - Ningenhōdan - Reflex 6 - MG: 9 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F21 R4 L2 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 2

Gate 4 - Menoth - MenothJohn (dead) - Reflex 2 - MG: 20 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F0 R1 L0 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 6 6 6 6

Gate 5 - William - Doobie Cooper - Reflex 4 - MG: 17 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F20 (breached) R0 L0 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 6 6 6 6

Gate 6 - Martin - Cletus Cornhauler - Reflex 3 - MG: 16 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F8 R4 L12 (breached) B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 2 3 5 3

Gate 7 - Jeff - Vance - Reflex 3 - MG: 8 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F15 (breached) R4 L0 B5 T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 5

Gate 8 - John - Axle Blaster (dead) - Reflex 5 - MG: 13 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F21 (breached) R13 (breached) L9 B4 T0 U0, Tire DP: 4 4 4 1

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

Steve Jackson Games

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

T20P1 - Speed

T20P1 - Speed
Jeff is OOC and maintains 40
Thierry maintains 5

Jeff skids 3/4", slowing to 30(m) - 1 point per tire - then moves straight 1/4"
Thierry moves straight 1/4" then pivots clockwise


Holding for...


Jeff skids and slows. Looks like he's going straight, but we all know that's a result of losing control.

Yes - not a good place to be. Slowing down and allowing the enemy to pivot and point at them.

Speaking of which - let's see what Thierry does...

Current Turn
Jeff(4) - 30(m) - P1 skid 3/4", 1 point to each tire, slow to 30, straight 1/4"
Thierry(6) - 5(m) - P1 straight 1/4" then pivot CW on back right corner

Previous Turn

Jeff(4) - 40 - P1 straight, P1 MG misses Thierry, P2 D4 left, P3 straight, P5 D3 drift right - lose control for moderate skid
Thierry(6) - 5 - P1 begin CCW Bootlegger Reverse, P3 complete bootlegger

Reflex Rolls and Walkarounds are below. Everyone knows the layout, just not the armor assignments. The Gates for this event are numbers 1 2     3 4   on top then 5 6     7 8    on the bottom. I'm using "team" names so you don't have to remember what your Driver's name is - you can just reply on YOUR name.

Gate 1 - Billy - Suvius Ven (dead)- Reflex 2 - MG: 16 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F0 R0 L6 B11 (breached) T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 5

Gate 2 - Gil - Alfonse LaRoy - Reflex 4 - MG: 9 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F1 R8 (breached) L7 B12 T4 U0, Tire DP: tire destroyed tire destroyed 1 tire destroyed

Gate 3 - Thierry - Ningenhōdan - Reflex 6 - MG: 9 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F21 R4 L2 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 2

Gate 4 - Menoth - MenothJohn (dead) - Reflex 2 - MG: 20 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F0 R1 L0 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 6 6 6 6

Gate 5 - William - Doobie Cooper - Reflex 4 - MG: 17 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F20 (breached) R0 L0 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 6 6 6 6

Gate 6 - Martin - Cletus Cornhauler - Reflex 3 - MG: 16 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F8 R4 L12 (breached) B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 2 3 5 3

Gate 7 - Jeff - Vance - Reflex 3 - MG: 8 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F15 (breached) R4 L0 B5 T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 5

Gate 8 - John - Axle Blaster (dead) - Reflex 5 - MG: 13 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F21 (breached) R13 (breached) L9 B4 T0 U0, Tire DP: 4 4 4 1

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

Steve Jackson Games

T19P5 - Movement

T19P5 - Movement
Jeff makes a D3 drift right - needs a 4 - fails on a 3 for a 6 1 -1 skill = 6, moderate skid


Turn 20 Phase 1

Holding for...


Jeff finishes the round by zigging to the right.

But he just can't hold it this time! Looks like he's going to be out of control for a bit...

Current Turn
Jeff(4) - 40 - P1 straight, P1 MG misses Thierry, P2 D4 left, P3 straight, P5 D3 drift right - lose control for moderate skid
Thierry(6) - 5 - P1 begin CCW Bootlegger Reverse, P3 complete bootlegger

Previous Turn
Jeff(4) - 35 - P1 straight, P2 straight 1/2", P3 D6 left, P5 D2 left
Thierry(6) - 30 - P1 straight, P3 straight, P5 straight

Reflex Rolls and Walkarounds are below. Everyone knows the layout, just not the armor assignments. The Gates for this event are numbers 1 2     3 4   on top then 5 6     7 8    on the bottom. I'm using "team" names so you don't have to remember what your Driver's name is - you can just reply on YOUR name.

Gate 1 - Billy - Suvius Ven (dead)- Reflex 2 - MG: 16 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F0 R0 L6 B11 (breached) T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 5

Gate 2 - Gil - Alfonse LaRoy - Reflex 4 - MG: 9 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F1 R8 (breached) L7 B12 T4 U0, Tire DP: tire destroyed tire destroyed 1 tire destroyed

Gate 3 - Thierry - Ningenhōdan - Reflex 6 - MG: 9 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F21 R4 L2 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 2

Gate 4 - Menoth - MenothJohn (dead) - Reflex 2 - MG: 20 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F0 R1 L0 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 6 6 6 6

Gate 5 - William - Doobie Cooper - Reflex 4 - MG: 17 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F20 (breached) R0 L0 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 6 6 6 6

Gate 6 - Martin - Cletus Cornhauler - Reflex 3 - MG: 16 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F8 R4 L12 (breached) B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 2 3 5 3

Gate 7 - Jeff - Vance - Reflex 3 - MG: 8 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F15 (breached) R4 L0 B5 T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 5

Gate 8 - John - Axle Blaster (dead) - Reflex 5 - MG: 13 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F21 (breached) R13 (breached) L9 B4 T0 U0, Tire DP: 4 4 4 1

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

Steve Jackson Games

T19P4 - Speed

T19P4 - Speed
Thierry maintains zero


Thierry fires his MG at Jeff - needs a 9 - hit on a 6 4 for 2 damage
Jeff takes a hazard - needs a 4 to keep control - safe on a 5

Turn 19 Phase 5
Thierry accelerates to 5


Holding for...


Thierry takes an uneasy shot and connects!

Not much damage, though, and even though it rocks Jeff's car a bit he easily shows off those driving skills!

Thierry decides to speed up a bit as well.

Let's see how Jeff finishes out the round...

Current Turn
Jeff(4) - 40 - P1 straight, P1 MG misses Thierry, P2 D4 left, P3 straight
Thierry(6) - 5 - P1 begin CCW Bootlegger Reverse, P3 complete bootlegger

Previous Turn
Jeff(4) - 35 - P1 straight, P2 straight 1/2", P3 D6 left, P5 D2 left
Thierry(6) - 30 - P1 straight, P3 straight, P5 straight

Reflex Rolls and Walkarounds are below. Everyone knows the layout, just not the armor assignments. The Gates for this event are numbers 1 2     3 4   on top then 5 6     7 8    on the bottom. I'm using "team" names so you don't have to remember what your Driver's name is - you can just reply on YOUR name.

Gate 1 - Billy - Suvius Ven (dead)- Reflex 2 - MG: 16 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F0 R0 L6 B11 (breached) T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 5

Gate 2 - Gil - Alfonse LaRoy - Reflex 4 - MG: 9 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F1 R8 (breached) L7 B12 T4 U0, Tire DP: tire destroyed tire destroyed 1 tire destroyed

Gate 3 - Thierry - Ningenhōdan - Reflex 6 - MG: 9 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F21 R4 L2 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 2

Gate 4 - Menoth - MenothJohn (dead) - Reflex 2 - MG: 20 shots, HR: 1 shot, Armor damage: F0 R1 L0 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 6 6 6 6

Gate 5 - William - Doobie Cooper - Reflex 4 - MG: 17 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F20 (breached) R0 L0 B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 6 6 6 6

Gate 6 - Martin - Cletus Cornhauler - Reflex 3 - MG: 16 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F8 R4 L12 (breached) B0 T0 U0, Tire DP: 2 3 5 3

Gate 7 - Jeff - Vance - Reflex 3 - MG: 8 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F15 (breached) R4 L0 B5 T0 U0, Tire DP: 5 5 5 5

Gate 8 - John - Axle Blaster (dead) - Reflex 5 - MG: 13 shots, HR: used, Armor damage: F21 (breached) R13 (breached) L9 B4 T0 U0, Tire DP: 4 4 4 1

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

Steve Jackson Games